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     FrameMaker+SGML & FrameMaker

FrameMaker+SGML and FrameMaker are products from Adobe. They are high end document management applications.

The following list contains some of the extensions/modules that I have developed for these products.


A utility that lets the user manipulate settings of all the documents in a book.
In addition to this XtraBookUtils lets you manipulate external cross references and references to imported graphics.
With this utility you can for example turn off all change bars in all the documents in the book with one (small) action, or change all imported graphics to reference a high resolution version.
XtraBookUtils runs with both FrameMaker+SGML and FrameMaker.

 FrameMaker version Documentation PowerMac 68K Mac Sun-Solaris Win95/NT
5.5.6, 6.x and 7.x Documentation in pdf (125K) Xtrabookutils3.7.sea.hqx (114K) Xtrabookutils_3_7.tar.gz (61K) Xtrabookutils3_7.zip (65K)
5.5 Documentation in pdf (106K) XtraBookUtils.sea.hqx(115K) - version 3.61 n.a. XtraBookUtils.zip(65K) - version 3.61
 5.1 Documentation(TXT) BookUtils.sea.hqx(110K) - version 3.00 n.a. n.a. n.a.



A utility that offers some basic math operations on table-cells.

You can calculate the sum off selected table cells, add or multiply the cells with a number or round the cells to given number of decimals.

 FrameMaker version Documentation PowerMac/68K Mac
5.5 Documentation in pdf(24K) TableUtils.sea.hqx(70K) - Version 0.71


Full Conversion Table

A utility that generates a full conversion table for the active document. FrameMaker+SGML only includes formats that are used in the document. This is not a good strategy if you want to structure a book based on a template.

Full Conversion Table include all defined paragraph- and character formats in the conversion table.

 FrameMaker version Documentation PowerMac/68K Mac
5.5 Documentation in pdf(13K) Structure_it.sea.hqx(69K) - Version 1.00



A utility that enhances AppleScript control over FrameMaker and FrameMaker+SGML.

 FrameMaker version Documentation PowerMac/68K Mac
5.5 Documentation in pdf(17K) ExtraAppleEvents.sea.hqx(90K) - Version 1.00

     Perl utilities for MIF documents

Misc. perl utilities that modify FrameMaker MIF files.

Get perl from www.perl.org

Retag change bars

A routine that scans a MIF document and retags paragraph that contain textlines with change bars.

The routine replaces paragraph tags with <old-tag>_New for all paragraphs that contains textlines which has a changebar. The routine modifies paragraphs in textflows, footnotes and table cells. The resulting document shows changes more detailed than FrameMaker does. If the case of table cells FrameMaker draws a changebar if any cell in the row has been changed. This utility changes the paragraph tag for only the cell that have been modified.

To use:

perl changebar.pl <theMifFile >TheResult

After completion open the TheResult file from FrameMaker. The utility has been tested with Frame version 5.5

Show the perl program

     FDK Tech. notes

A FDK note on how FrameMaker+SGML arranges its internal element hierarchy - it sligthly tricky in regarding to data-nodes and mixed contents. Show FDK-SGML Note

A FDK note on how to allocate/deallocate memory when using hashtables. Show hashtable Note

FDK-MacOS: folder selection

Did you ever wonder why it's not possible to choose a folder on the MacOS (and Win) using the FDK?

FDK version 5.5 and earlier only supports folder selection on unix platforms. FDK version 5.5.6 includes folder selection. This selection of source code files adds folder selection support for the MacOS.

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