BOOKUTILS. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------ BookUtils is a FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML enhancement, that allows the user to perform various document setup actions to all the files in a book in just one click of a button. The module includes the ability to: 1) Clear changebars 2) Turn on and off the "automatic changebar" flag 3) Set the page count property. (Delete Empty Pages / Make Page Count Even / Make Page Count Odd / Don't Change Page Count 4) Set the starting page to Next, Read from file, left or right 5) Set the page numbering option to Continue, restart at 1 or read from file 6) Set the paragraph numbering to Continue or restart. All these actions are performed on all the documents in the active book. Notice that XtraBookUtils only runs on PPC Macintosh machines. BookUtils requires FrameMaker or FrameMaker+SGML version 5.1 or greater. NOTICE: THE USE OF THIS MODULE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IT HAS NOT BEEN TESTET THROUGHLY. INSTALLATION ------------------------------ To use the module do the following: 1) Close FrameMaker or FrameMaker+SGML 2) Move the files "BookUtils" and "BookUtils.shlb" to the modules folder in the Frame-folder. 3) Start Frame 4) Open the book. You'll notice an additional menu "BookUtils" 5) Choose "Setup DocumentsÉ" from the menu "BookUtils" You will be see a dialog that lets you control document settings. If you select the checkbox of a certain property, all the documents in the book will be modified accordingly to the pop-up menu to the right of the checkbox. PRICE ------------------------------ The module is "Helpware". If you find it useful please donate $5 - $10 to your favorite grassroot organization and send a mail to Subject: HelpWare. Contents: amount and organization. VERSION HISTORY ------------------------------ Version 2.02 Fixed potential alignment problem. Version 2.01 Support for native exceptions. Speeds up the program a little (probably not noticeable), and provides a safer error handling. Optimized for the 604 chip. Version 2.0 New features added. More control over the document setup. GUI added. Version 1.02. Microscopic changes made when porting the utility to SUN. Version 1.01. Added features: - The process can be stopped by pressing command-period - The utility opens documents successfully even if there are fonts/images missing Jesper Storm Bache