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HelpWare clause:

All plug-ins, applications, scripts and documents may be downloaded for evaluation for free.

If you find any use of the material, you must donate a minimum of $5 to your favorite charity organization.

Send notice of donations to: donations@bache.name. Include name of organization and amount in body.

One donation per user and per downloaded (and used) plug-in, application, script and document.

In other words - I'll only agree to help you, if you agree to help someone else.



This plug-in makes it easy to scale groups of images to a specific width or height.
You can for example say: "scale all selected images to be 15 cm high,"
or you can say "scale all selected images to be the same width as the first selected image."

Secondly you can also say: "scale and arrange my images so they get the same height (or width), and so they all have the same gap between them."

This feature makes it easy to arrange a number of images across a page.

All scaling is done proportionally.

InDesign Version Documentation Mac OSX Plug-in Source code (encrypted)
InDesign CS (3.x) SmartTransform documentation (85K) SmartTransform1.0.sit (30K) SmartTransformSrc1.0.sit